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Cassandra believes in the humanity of people and is committed to working towards collective healing that starts with our youth.

She comes to this work as a loved one impacted by mass incarceration and as a survivor of harm.

She is deeply invested in the healing of families impacted by this systemic racism and has spent several years working as an activist and abolitionist in community.

She is hopeful that this work will lead to the dismantling of all forms of oppression that continue to swallow up the children of our communities and throw them away. Working for over 16 years with youth impacted by both homelessness and the criminal justice system.

She received her master’s degree in Justice and Security Administration at the University of Phoenix and is currently pursuing her PhD in Transformative Social Change with the hopes of bringing an awakened consciousness and a healing of trauma within the family structures of our communities.

Look2Justice 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Website by Alice Wonder | Web Design Studio